Delivery Must Have’s
To ensure that we are doing delivery the right way and succeed, we must have following things in place:.
Build & Deploy Great Teams
- Dedicated above store leadership
- Fully staffed and trained team deployed for peaks
- Driver and order taker retention program
- Sales forecasting & labor management system
- Dedicated dispatcher at peak
Success Measures:
- Driver Turnover %
- VOC %
- Orders Per Dispatch
- % Fully Trained TM’s
- % Managers DC Certified
Provide Best in Class Telephone Service
- All Calls answered < three rings by trained order taker
- Adequate phone lines and order takers, no busy signal or ‘on hold’
Delivery Must Have’s
- Suggestive selling and call back program; Phone script at every terminal
- System to quote an accurate delivery time
- Phone service training and measurement program
Success measures
- Abandoned Calls
- % Calls answered within 3 rings or X seconds
- % of transactions with Y (item being suggest sold)
Deliver ‘Hot Food Hot & Cold Food Cold’
- Heated Pouch
- Product quality monitoring system E.g Quality Every Day Assessment”
- Beverages and sides - stored chilled and pre-bagged
- Correct packaging
Success Measures
Delivery Must Have’s
Be On Time All the Time Safely
- Trade area mapped and podded ≤ 10 min; Clean data base (Store &Call Center)
- Adequate Capacities & Efficient Workflows
- Use speed racks
- Ready for Revenue and Preassembly discipline
- Pack times tracked and controlled
- Intelligent Dispatching
- KPI’s communicated and displayed
- Team aware and drives results to continuously raise the bar
Success Measures
- % At the door < 30 mins
- % order to pack < 4 mins
- % pack to dispatch < 3 mins
- % In-restaurant time < 7 mins
- % Orders < Promise time
- Accidents per 1000 delivery transactions
Delivery Must Have’s
Own the Trade Area & Beat Year Ago Sales
- BYA LSM process and plan for each store
- Optimized leaflet distribution plan - Pod Optimizer used
- Sales and coupon redemption tracked by pod
- Competitor activity
- Tracking discipline
Success Measures:
- SS Transactions Growth %
- SS Sales Growth %
- $ Per House Hold Penetration %
Delivery KPIS
Ideal Performance Goals
Order Taking
- Talk Time (Existing Team Member/Existing number) 1.5 Minutes
- Talk Time (New Team Member/new address) 2.0 Minutes
- Abandoned Calls (calls answered within 30 seconds and no drop offs) <2%
- Pack Time 4 Minutes
- Pouch Time 1 Minute
- Speed Rack Time 1-2 Minutes
- Total In-Restaurant Time 7 Minutes
- Orders Per Dispatch 1.3 - 1.5
- Trips Per Hour 3.33
- Orders Per Hour 4-5
- Average Drive Time (Single order) 8 Minutes
- Average Drive time (Double order) 17 Minutes (8 minutes to 1st customer + 2 minutes door courtesy+ 5 minutes to 2nd customer)
- Total Delivery Time (Single order) 17 Minutes
Delivery KPIS
- Total Delivery Time (Double Order) 26 Minutes
All Team Members
- 100% of all orders delivered in less than 30 minutes.
Properly trained and cross-trained team members work together as a team to accomplish the highest customer satisfaction.
Note: Delivery within 30 minutes is non-negotiable and sacrosanct. This cannot be compromised at any cost as it will be detrimental for customer satisfaction and product quality.
Frequency of measuring KPIs
Daily measures:
- In-restaurant time % (<7 minutes)
- At-the-door time % (<30 minutes)
Daily measures:
- In-restaurant time % (<7 minutes)
- At-the-door time % (<30 minutes)
- Orders per household
- Product outages
- Customer compliments/complaints
- Driver - orders per dispatch
Delivery KPIS
- Abandoned calls %
Monthly measures:
- GES (for delivery)
- CER/ROCC performance
- Team member/ driver turnover %
- Sales and coupon redemption by pod
Communicating performance
Communicating performance of 5-minute pack, pouch times and 7 -minute in-restaurant times is crucial to meeting your goals and the customers’ expectations of orders delivered in 30 minutes or less.
Posting the Delivery Tracking Board will help communicate expectations to your team members. However, you still need a system that lets you determine whether those expectations are being met during each day.
Calling out production and in-restaurant times:
- Gives you instant feedback of whether expectations and goals are being met.
- Increases awareness and sense of urgency, as well as giving you the opportunity to constantly monitor your production flow.
- Gives you a reason to offer positive feedback, motivate, and encourage team members to achieve maximum productivity.
Stairway to delivery excellence

Once we have completed the path of KFC Delivery
- from staffing and team expectations,
- to improving production through layout, organisation, and capacity,
- to having the right systems and procedures in place,
- to improving speed of service and trade area mapping – we are in a position to deliver a superior Delivery Service experience to the customer.
Stairway to delivery excellence
One way to know that we are successful is to continually measure our progress. We all know that:
What gets measured gets done!
These are the 5 categories and the relevant KPI's to measure our success:
- Build & Deploy Great Teams
- Provide Best in Class Telephone Service
- Deliver ‘Hot Food Hot & Cold Food Cold
- Be On Time All the Time Safely
- Own the Trade Area & Beat Year Ago Sales
This balanced approach will make us successful delivery operators and will drive our competitors out of the market.
The Stairway to Delivery EXCELLENCE teaches us the behaviors we need to move from a MARGINAL to a STANDARD to an EXCELLING restaurant.
Commitment & action plan to improve delivery
The top three Delivery Service areas in which I will commit to improve are:
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
Stairway to delivery excellence
The KFC Delivery goals for my team and I are:
Period______ |
Period______ |
Period______ |
Period______ |
Trackers and formats
- KFC Delivery Tracking Board Delivery Tracking Board
Tracking goals for specific categories is crucial to improving delivery service. Use a Delivery Tracking Board to:
- Communicate desired goals to all Team Members and management.
- Track and communicate current performance against those goals.
- Increase motivation and morale by recognising and celebrating performance.

Trackers and formats
- KPI Tracker for stores without call center KPI Tracker for store without call centre
- Market KPI Tracker Market KPI Tracker
- Call centre KPIs Tracker Call Centre KPI Tracker
- Call centre BSC Call Center Ballance Scorecard
Best Practices
Click on the links below to download and view the best practices on how to drive performance
Speed of Service Health Check for Delivery Stores
- Pizza Hut SOS Health Check for Delivery Pizza Hut SOS Health Check for Delivery
- Pizza Hut SOS Health Check for Delivery Format Pizza Hut SOS Health Check for Delivery Format
Delivery Structured Unit Visit Checklist for AC Delivery SUV Checklist for AC